Defended PhD thesis


  1. Paola Forni - "Energetic Value of Coastal Benthic Environment for Benthivorous Wintering Sea Ducks Based on their Feeding Ecology", academic advisor – prof. dr. Darius Daunys. Ecology and Environmental Science (N 012).
  2. Remigijus Dailidė - "Application of Climatographic Methods for Climate Change Assessment of the Baltic Sea Coast", academic advisor – prof. dr. Ramūnas Povilanskas. Physical Geography (N006).
  3. Edvinas Tiškus - "Advancements in Ecological Monitoring through Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Satellite Data: Studies in Water Clarity, Coastal Management, and Vegetation Dynamics", academic advisor – dr. Diana Vaičiūtė . Ecology and Environmental Science (N 012).
  4. Esther Robbe "Ecosystem Service Assessments of the Coastal Zone: Case Studies and Management Implications", academic advisor – dr. Jūratė Lesutienė. Ecology and Environmental Science (N 012).


  1. Soukaina Elyaagoubi "Comparative study of ecosystem services provided by two coastal lagoons in relation to their hydrodynamic features". Academic advisor prof. dr. Artūras Razinkovas-Baziukas.
  2. Reza Pashaei “Distribution, bioaccumulation, and ecotoxicological effects of emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems”, supervisor – dr. Reda Dzingelevičienė
  3. Julius Morkūnas, Quantification of wintering seabird bycatch in the Baltic Sea coastal fisheries and ingestion of marine debris, academic consultant – dr. Petra Quillfeldt
  4. Arvydas Urbis, supervisor – dr. Ramūnas Povilanskas


  1. Johanna Kristina Schumacher “Tools and approaches for supporting coastal and marine policy implementation”. Academic advisor prof. Gerald Schernewski.
  2. Lukas Oliver Ritzenhofen “Blue mussel cultivation in the Baltic Sea Economic and mitigation potential in mesohaline coastal waters”. Academic advisor prof. Gerald Schernewski.
  3. Monia Magri “Application of the Ecological Network Analysis to nitrogen and phosphorus flows in the eutrophic lagoons”, supervisor – prof. dr. Marco Bartoli
  4. Donata Overlingė “Cyanobacteria as a source of bioactive metabolites: potential application in biotechnology and environmental impact“, supervisor – dr. Renata Pilkaitytė
  5. Tobia Politi “Interactions and novel approaches to disentangle benthic nutrient cycling considering microbial communities, aquatic macroinvertebrates and primary producers”, supervisor – prof. dr. Marco Bartoli


  1. Mirco Haseler “Meso- and microplastic in the Baltic coastal environment”, supervisor – prof. habil. dr. Gerald Schernewski
  2. Rasa Idzelytė “Assessment and impact of ice cover and future projections for the Baltic Curonian Lagoon”, supervisor – prof. dr. Hans Georg Umgiesser
  3. Greta Gyraitė “Microbial water quality and potential risks for human health at the southeastern Baltic Sea bathing waters” (supervisor prof. habil.dr. Gerald Schernewski)
  4. Eglė Baltranaitė “Impact of physical geographical factors on the sustainability of South Baltic seaside restors”, academic advisor – prof. dr. Ramūnas Povilanskas, academic consultant – assoc. prof. dr. Loreta Kelpšaitė-Rimkienė


  1. Jelena Galinienė “Change in land cover and land use of coastal zone: classification methods comparison and assessment”, academic advisor – prof. dr. Inga Dailidienė, academic consultant – prof. habil. dr. Sebastien Gadal.


  1. Jovita Mėžinė “Modelling of sediment transport in Lithuania Baltic Sea coastal area and coastal zone”
  2. Toma Dabulevičienė “The impact of upwellings on the south – eastern Baltic Sea coastal ecosystems and lagoons”
  3. Greta Srėbalienė “Quantitative impact assessment of biological invasions in marine ecosystem”
  4. Natalja Čerkasova “Nemunas River watershed input to the Curonian Lagoon: discharge, microbiological pollution, nutrient and sediment loads under changing climate“
  5. Miguel Ângelo Raposo Inácio “Ecosystem services of coastal water bodies: assessing temporal changes and their implications to management“
  6. Donalda Karnauskaitė “Assessing sustainable development of coastal systems“
  7. Artūras Skabeikis “Role of the Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) in the Food Web of the South-Eastern Baltic Sea Coastal Waters“


  1. Arūnas Balčiūnas “Marine litter pollution at the Lithuanian open sea and coastal areas“
  2. Irma Vybernaitė – Lubienė “Loads, transport and transformations of nutrients N, P and SI along the River-Lagoon-Sea Continuum“
  3. Nikita Dobrotin “The geological evolution of the Curonian Spit Dunes and its relation to the climate change of Holocene“
  4. Romualda Chuševė “Evaluation of macrozoobenthos species sensitivity and application of benthic quality index for the seabed status assessment of the South-eastern Baltic sea“
  5. Arūnas Balčiūnas “Marine litter pollution at the Lithuanian open sea and coastal areas“


  1. Rasa Morkūnė “Food Web of the Lithuanian Baltic Sea Coastal Zone: Structure and Organic Matter Flows“


  1. Martina Marič “Non – Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: Diversity, Distribution and Impacts“ (pdf)


  1. Aistė Paldavičienė “Cyanotoxins and their Accumulation in the Curonian Lagoon“ (pdf)
  2. Daniel Depellegrin “Integrated Assessment of Ecological, Economic and Socio-Cultural Resources for the Sustainable Development of the Lithuanian Baltic Sea Coast“
  3. Sergej Suzdalev “Hazardous Substances Distribution and Geochemical Anomalies in the Sediments of a Heavily Modified Water Body“
  4. Dmitrij Gerok “Geological Structure and Spatial Distribution of Palaeo-Incisions in the Southeastern Part of the Baltic Sea and Adjacent Land“ (pdf)
  5. Algirdas Švanys “Effects of the Allelopathically Active Macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum on the Potentially Toxic Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa(pdf)
  6. Jolita Petkuvienė “Phosphorus Pool Variations in the Curonian Lagoon and its Implication to Eutrophication“ (pdf)


  1. Aleksej Šaškov “Application of Underwater Remote Imagery and Acoustic Data for Quantitative Benthic Biotopes Identification, Predictive Mapping and Building of Explanatory Models“ (pdf)


  1. Evelina Grinienė “Diversity and Functional Role of Plankton Ciliates in a Eutrophic Coastal Lagoon“ (pdf)
  2. Aleksas Narščius „Development and Application of the Information Systems on Aquatic Non-Indigenous Species“ (pdf)
  3. Andrius Šiaulys “Empirical Modelling of Macrozoobenthos Species Distribution and Benthic Habitat Quality Assessment“ (pdf)
  4. Sigitas Šulčius “Virus-Bacteria Interactions Under Different Conditions Of Coastal Ecosystems“ (pdf)


  1. Aurelija Samuilovienė “Population Genetic Structure of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Lithuanian Rivers“ (pdf)
  2. Diana Vaičiūtė “Distribution Patterns of Optically Active Components and Phytoplankton in the Estuarine Plume in the South Eastern Baltic Sea“ (pdf)


  1. Nerijus NikaSalmo trutta L. The ecology and efficiency of reproduction in a small plain stream in Western Lithuania“ (pdf)
  2. Mindaugas Žilius “Seasonal Oxygen and Nutrient Exchange at the Sediment-Water Interface in the Eutrophic Boreal Lagoon (the Baltic Sea)“ (pdf)


  1. Arvydas Švagždys “Impact of Environmental and Anthropogenical Factors on Fish Catch Variation in the Curonian Lagoon“ (pdf)


  1. Anastasija Zaiko “Habitat Engineering Role of the Invasive Bivalve Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) in the Boreal Lagoon Ecosystem“ (pdf)
  2. Jūratė Lesutienė “Food Web of the Curonian Lagoon: Organic Matter Sources and Feeding of Mysids“ (pdf)
  3. Tomas Ruginis “The Feeding Resource and Diet Peculiarity of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Small Boreal Lowland Streams in Lithuania“
  4. Hans Georg Umgiesser “A Numerical Model for Water Quality Studies in Shallow Lagoons“ (pdf)
  5. Martynas Bučas “Distribution patterns and Ecological Role of the Red Alga Furcellaria lumbricalis (Hudson) J. V. Lamouroux off the Exposed Baltic Sea Coast of Lithuania“ (pdf)


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